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Date added: 01-07-2013 Some features in iOS 7 you may have missed



We all love our iPhones, and with iOS 7 came a brand-new way of using those phones. The operating system may be a little old now - and we are still talking just a few months - but there are still plenty of little secret and tricks that people just don't get. It is possibly the most responsive and practical operating system available on a phone today. In this article we will look at a few tips and tricks that you may have missed.

If you're a busy person for example, the notification centre is your new best friend. It not only brings you some alerts, it also allows you to take control of your life quicker and more effectively. Head in to Settings to change the notification centre and what it tells you. It can pretty much help you run your day, by giving you alerts about meetings, the weather and all sorts of interesting stuff that really helps you feel like you're in control. It's one of the best features of iOS 7.

If you're still struggling with the new font style with iOS 7, and we have to agree that some people can see them as a little bit ‘thin’, you can enhance the fonts and make them bold. To get this done all you have to do is go in to Accessibility settings, where you will find a ‘bold text’ setting. Switch that particular setting on and your fonts will stand out that little bit more. Though a little bit old school, it is a clear indication that Apple are trying to make sure that all it’s customers are pleased.

Parallax wallpapers, love them or hate them

You will notice that there is something called ‘parallax wallpapers’ too. This is where the backgrounds move a little bit. If you can't handle this, and it is not your cup of tea, get customising it and go to Accessibility where you are able to switch to a setting that allows you to ‘reduce motion’.

One of our favourite updates in iOS 7 is possibly the simplest. For years we have been trying to get decent flashlight/torch apps installed on our phones, and they were always a bit fiddly. All you have to do now though with iOS 7 is flick up the bottom of the screen and hit the torch option. You can even do this from the lock screen.

The amazing feature that is Siri

And Siri has finally come of age too. You can use it to do pretty much anything on your iPhone, from checking email to updating your Twitter account. The good news about Siri is that the more you use it, the more it gets used to you. Siri has really become a true personal assistant, and the greatest tragedy at the moment is that not many people are using it. Take it for a test drive today, and you will find that pretty soon you can't do without it.

There are just a few things that we love about iOS 7. These amazing features are still unknown for many Apple phone users. Siri, especially, is a true gem.